R. 119

Would somebody be kind enough to stat a Call of Cthulhu monster for me?

Me and a few of my friends like to joke about Deep Crows, a creature made up awhile back by the guys at Penny Arcade. A few helpful links:
The original reference...
Just how bad they are...
The 3.5e DnD stats for Ancient Deep Crows...

Also, please specify in the stats if you're making an Ancient Deep Crow, or a normal one. You can make both if you want, but I can work with just one, and tweak it for age. Ancient would be prefered, of course...

As for difficulty... meh, no guidlines there, really. I don't want it to be too hard, like Cthulhu or another Great Old One... But not a pushover, like a Deep One or something. Maybe around the between Dagon and a Shoggoth... I'm not all that concerned though, since they probably won't survive direct combat under any circumstances.

Please and thank you!