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Thread: DeepBlue's Vagabond - Act 1

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Dec 2007

    Default Re: DeepBlue's Vagabond - Act 1

    "You know, Harold, I hate to throw away all our hard work at doing this legitimately, but let's face it; we're going to get our asses handed to us in court." Len muses, slinging Flare's arm over her shoulder and lifting, in spite of Harold's unhappy expression over the reunion.

    "Even if Taeger's fancy footwork is holding up on that Big One, if we end up in a courtroom, I guarantee that a lot of people with something to gain from discrediting our testimony will be going over our backgrounds with a fine toothed comb. Since Wyatt warned us against even flashing letters of introduction, this kind of exposure...its a bad idea."

    She holds up the shuriken. "Unless Lordship here knows something about the legal system we don't, my recommendation is that we go straight back to Claudius, collect our pay and let Titus have all the glory. Whaddya say?"
    Last edited by Ya Ta Hey!; 2008-10-03 at 03:56 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ragnar0k
    Probability has betrayed me, I thought we had a thing.

    President, Founder, and Chairman of the Ya-Ta-Hey! Self-Promotion Club