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Thread: Mafia VIII Game Thread - Day 6

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Andre Fairchilde's Avatar

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    Oct 2006

    Default Re: Mafia VIII Game Thread - Day 3

    Day 3 Ends

    Scene – Same day The Toronto Docks, morning

    A dozen day laborers are taking crates off the cargo ship using a crane.

    As they remove the crates, one of the crates crashes into the side of the ship cracking the wooden panels on the side. The workers lower the crate to the dock to inspect the damage and call over their shift supervisor. Someone is probably getting docked pay for this….

    Upon closer inspection the workers see that a hand has tumbled out of the container…

    "There’s a dead body in here!"

    The police are called, and the container opened…

    Jontom Xire was abducted (killed) placed into a box and shipped to Toronto. Jontom Xire was a Citizen.

    Scene – The City – The Bank

    “The Bank has been robbed! There’s a fire and everything!”

    A crowd mobs the firemen, some of the citizens try to run into the bank to “help” the firemen by taking money out of the bank. One of the citizens trips on some waterlogged steps, disoriented in the smoke and steam, and knocks himself out of the game. Then the burning wall falls on him.

    FF Fanboy has knocked himself unconscious for the rest of the game. (Autolynched) FF Fanboy was a Citizen.

    Scene – The City - Henry Smythe’s home

    Following up on the newest leads after the slaughter of the terrible scriptwriters and the murder of the latest security guard, clues have lead to the home of one Henry Smythe.

    Andre walked up to the residence in question to apprehend the suspect to find him standing out side luggage waiting to be loaded.

    “Can't say I didnt expect this Agent Fairchilde. At least i can take this bloody mask off. Bothersome thing posing as this Henry Smythe fellow.”

    He takes off the lifelike rubber mask hiding his identity.

    “Jonathan Carnahan at your service. Don’t bother here’s my passport, I’m going home if you don’t mind as I’ve lost my sister already. Bloody hindering mummies. I’d take it as a family favor if you dispose of these creatures what what.”

    The cab pulled up and loaded the luggage.

    Androgial has left town (was lynched). He was Jonathan Carnahan the Sibling Brother.

    There was not a lot that Agent Fairchilde could do, so he stood idly by while the cab was loaded and he waved as Jonathan Carnahan left… until he saw another person also got into the cab from the other side. Jonathan tried to get out of the cab, but the other person pulled a gun and stuck it into Jonathan’s face….

    As the cab pulls away...
    “Hello Jonathan. We’ve been looking for you. Where’s our money? You have six bullets… er… minutes to give the right answers….”

    Night 3 Begins now
    Night 3 ends in 24 hours
    Last edited by Andre Fairchilde; 2008-10-05 at 08:37 PM.
    "see the little angels rise up high, how do they rise up, rise up, how do they rise up high?"