The floor boards creak as you pry the board loose. It takes you a few moments before you have a hole wide enough to reach into. Looking into the hole in the floor, you notice how dry it is under the cabin. Under the floor of the cabin is another wooden floor only this one is about a foot deep. You see that it must have been filled with some sort of insulating material to keep the cold out which now now sense decomposed into a thick dust. Lying upon the thick dust is a worn leather book with the kings symbol imprinted upon the book.

You wipe off the dust from the book and crack it open. Looking at the first couple of pages you realize that this book is the young princes diary. Flipping to the back you read aloud the last entry written only a week ago.
63 days since the low of winter

Today has been a hard climb. We are lucky to find this cabin. The old trapper told us it would be here and he was right. The snow is coming down hard and tomorrow we are heading up to face the dragon. I am not sure if I even want to live any longer. I found out today that my father was killed earlier this week. Joshua told me on the climb today, I guess he heard it in town. He was not going to tell me until after we defeated the dragon, but in a moment of anger he snapped at me. I fear for my country, my brother is a cruel man. I do not know if he will let me live, either I will die tomorrow or by my brother's hand. I leave this to document why I left in hope that another might find it and listen to my story...