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Thread: Wheel of Time: The kingdom of Shadows

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Wheel of Time: The kingdom of Shadows


    Ishigari Narshima

    Not entirely sure that Jianna is okay, but taking comfort in the fact that she shown the strength to travel on her own before, Ishigari gives her a comforting smile and continues in a low voice.

    "Whatever is going on, I am sure that we will be fine as long as we stick together."

    He rests his hand briefly on her shoulder again before moving over to Kireyn, shaking his head briefly.

    I am afraid I have never been trained as a tracker, and I am not sure it would be so easy in a town in any case. As for that blade, I do not believe I have seen one like it before.

    He looks thoughtfully at it, straining his memory to what he had heard of darkfriends and the servants of the Dark One.

    Ishigari has Knowledge: Shadow, if you feel like rolling for him. Specifically trying to remember whether he remembers any tales of blades that look like that being used by darkfriends and the like.
    Last edited by Ruik; 2008-10-09 at 04:37 AM.
    Damn I like my Ceikatar!


    - I still worship you TSO


    *wanders out whistling All Along the Watchtower cover*

    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!!