President Han has never looked so...angry before as she stands in front of a crowd. She is practically shaking in rage.

"People of the NAC, Our beloved Lioness has fallen to the Cowardly hands of those who swear they serve a Saint.

They demand of us many things, most notably that we pull our armies from Europe and just give them back all their land...and THEN pay them for it"

The crowd boos viciously "We will not stand for this. They think that if they keep hurting us that we will just give up! No, it would be an insult to all those who died in the cities of New York and Washington. It would be a dishonor to all those who died serving this country to stop tyranny. It would make the Lioness turn in her grave and weep to see all she fought for just fade away. WE WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS!!!"

The crowd cheered, and it was an angry cheer. A cheer of rage, one full of the promise of blood.

"I will never give up this fight, not only for the dead, but for the living, all of you! Never has this country bowed down to terroists, and it won't start now with the death of a general. WE WILL SEE THE DEATH OF THE NRE, I WILL LEAD US TO VICTORY!"

Chants of La Reina Verde fill the skies. Shona raises her arms then, retreats inside her base.

Inside (cannot be known, flavor text)

Shona sat in her desk and continued trembling as her guard shut the door. Then she let out a scream of frustration, rage, and pain. The emotion is so intense, both guards grasp their heads and fall to their knees in pain, and most people in the building get at least a minor headache.

"How could this happen now!"
she thought, raging to herself "Everything was going so perfect" then she calmed down.

"They will pay in blood..."

The Lioness
The Lionesses funeral is a small affair, with only president Han and close family in attendence. She is awarded the NAC Congressional Medal of Honor.

A new statue, erected in honor of the fallen, is a a monument to the NAC spirit. It is a statue carved from red metal, in the perfect shape of The Lioness. Her helmet is removed, and in one hand she holds a NAC flag.

She stands on a pedestal made of black marble. On golden plaques the names, dates, and times of the tragedies are listed, underneath is Kim's name and a famous quote said by her to her troops

"Friends, Comrades, We fight for peace and good in the world. As long as you all believe that in your heart, You can do anything!"

NAC security is made extremely strict in an attempt to stop all attacks on NAC soil.

Official Statement to Neautral Countries
Countries of Yugo Slavia and surrounding nations. Turn over the remnants of the NRE forces. We assure you they will not be executed out of hand. If you wish Supreme Elite are willing to dig these sores out of your countries.

Please cooperate so this war can finally end.

Actions in Former NRE
Military law is tightened. Anyone even speaking of rebellion are placed in concentration camps. They are not mistreated, and any UNE advisors can make sure we are not mistreating prisoners.

The NAC military becomes almost brutal in hunting down hostile NRE soldiers. They do not show much mercy. If they surrender, they live, if not they die. If they don't give up they are not taken alive.

Troops in Croatia attack mercilessly to finish off any NRE soldiers.

Official apology to Solaris
We will attempt to put a stop to pirating

The Lionesses quote, shortened to "We can do anything" is quite popular amongst the troops. It becomes the unofficial slogan of the NAC soldiers. The men and women of C-Company change their name to "The Pack" and become some of the very best soldiers the NAC has to offer.

They become efficient and brilliant killing machines. Their overall goal is to hunt down their leaders killers. They are lead by the newly promoted Colonel Kyle Sanders, known as the Black Lion in honor of the Lioness.

General Robertson
I may not like you, and you sure as hell don't have to like me, but I thank you for the flowers you sent. Kim always spoke about you in high regard, and I thank you for still caring

President Han