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Thread: Total War 2125

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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Total War 2125

    Footage Relesed to all Pro-NAC news networks(or at least not ANTI-NAC)

    "This is John Oliver for CNN news and we have breaking news, today while the Lionesses death site was examined, in one of the dead soldiers helmet recorders, we have found the footage of the Lionesses Death."

    The video statics, then a clear image came through. In the corner health status and name, Henry Rico, come online as well.

    The Lioness, without her helmet, stands speaking to a group of soldiers "I will take 150 men with me to clear out this forest ahead of us. The rest of you will yet up guard positions and begin to systimatically check the town, got it?"
    "Yes Ma'am!" the men chorused

    "Good, then we'll be back soon"
    General Finate said with a smile, and she replaced her helmet "Lets go."

    The forest was silent, no contacts. The groups split into three fifty man kill squads. Rico followed close behind the Lioness.

    Then suddenly the Lioness held up her hand and ordered "Halt!" she was silent, as if listening "**** we're being surrounded, Fall back!"

    Suddenly the forest erupted in enemy fire. Men fell left and right. Rico and the Lioness dove behind cover.

    The next couple of minutes were hazy as scenes of battle rage, with the Lioness firing her twin sub machine guns. The NAC casulties were horrible, but the enemy were taking losses now.

    Then the screen shakes as Rico screams as he slams into a nearby tree. His head falls at a angle to see what happens next. Men are retreating, with General Finate bringing up the rear. The General is forced to drop her weapons because they finally run out ammo.

    Men, hiding in the trees, drop down to cut off her escape. She quickly engages them in hand-to-hand, dropping them quickly.

    A man steps from the woods into the cameras view "Lioness, your time for fighting for the Witch Queen is over!"
    "You'll have to kill me" she says defiently, dropping into a defensive stance.

    "Thats the idea" to his men "Kill her"

    More bullets erupt from the trees, and Kim uses her hand flamer, charring men left and right. Two more drop to engage her. She fights, slashing one handed to open one mans throat in a spray of blood and punching her other hand through the other man's chest.

    Suddenly she fell to her knees as a heavy calibar round blew right through her left knee joint. The first man walked up and unsheathed his combat knife. He kneels by the fallen warrior "Goodbye" he says mockingly.

    As he leans in and rips of her helmet, her clawed hand darts out and hit the man on the jaw, and with a rip, she tears it right off "stop talking so much!"
    She stands shackily and attacks the nearest man, tearing him to pieces. She doubles over once, then again as two more heavy rounds punch through her chest. She falls to her knees and coughs up blood.

    The screen blackens as the Emperor's Fist close in, knives raised.

    This video is shown across the NAC, to show the bravery of their Hero, how she continued to fight in against terrible odds. This should increase moral and probably volunteer rates.

    Any countries allowing this to be shown gain a respect for the Lioness, even if the are Anti-NAC.
    Last edited by Greystone; 2008-10-07 at 05:49 PM.
    She's Shona Han. Disappearing for a hundred years just means she's had a hundred years to plan. Trying to find out what happened to her is just going to draw her attention.

    Then it's a good thing Greystone can KICK REASON TO THE CURB AND GO BEYOND THE IMPOSSIBLE!
    - SurlySeraph