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Thread: Total War 2125

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: Total War 2125

    Vasquez's Response

    "Tell you what: Apologies from both camps, no more orbital lasers, and no one pays anyone anything. In all frankness, the amount of money lost from our attacks pales in comparison to cost of that satellite.

    I think that's fair for all parties involved. What do you say?"

    Ramirez's Condition

    Vicente Ramirez, current Premier of the LUSA, has been flown to Pandora to receive medical treatment once he reached a stable condition. Doctors in his home nation have been baffled by his ailment, and requested that Pandoran doctors use their technology to help their leader. Once he awakens from his sleep, he asks Will Rowe the honor of visiting him while he recovers.

    Robertson to Han

    Been a while. Hope you're doing well with all this going on. Kimmy General Finante was one of the finest soldiers I've ever had the pleasure of working with, and her death came as quite a shock...always knew she'd get in over her head one of those days, but I never really thought she could ever lose, either.

    Anyway, my heart goes out to you, Shona. She will be missed.

    N. Robertson
    Last edited by Pumpkin3.1415; 2008-10-07 at 11:47 PM.