Quote Originally Posted by David Argall View Post
This idea was dubious when it was first suggested, and now is simply not on the table. The "4 words" are 2 spells, which are merely written as 4 words for convenience, not 4 words for actual hearing. Nor were they said to Kubota.
But in the context of the comic, they ARE four words. And the target of the spells was Kubota (and well, the Kubota-dust afterwards). It is good to know that you have access to the Giant's inner thoughts, since you can so easily blast opinions not your own as simply "not possible" and pronounce your own thoughts as Undeniable Fact.

A great many of us would deny this was the right time, and "wrong reasons" normally means reasons you would feel were unimportant under the circumstances when you look back, not factors you already knew.
This is from V's perspective, however. To him, disintegrating Kubota has no significant importance, as he is (or rather, his player is) metagaming to a rather large extreme. He doesn't know, nor does he particularly care that Kubota was anything other than an obstacle to be eliminated in favor of progressing the overall plot.

It also set into motion a chain of events that led to him 1) leaving the Order of the Stick (or at least this half of it) and 2) being possibly/probably tempted by Qarr to "help" which 3) could lead to him being tempted by Ultimate Arcane Power. Of course, the Giant could always throw a curve ball... it isn't like it hasn't happened before.

At last report, Qarr had no knowledge of the gates and is a LE devil while Sabine is apparently a CE demon, who at least reports to a different boss. Of course our heros have babbled about the gates at times, and Qarr may have been listening, but much of Kubota's behavior would be absurd if he was advised by an imp who knew about the gates.
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Qarr could well have been working with Kubota to take over Azure City in the first place, so that he could get access to the Sapphire Gate. The various evil deities do know about the Gates, so it is not inconceivable that Qarr has some knowledge as well.

Additionally, it's never been established that Sabine was a demon or devil, as that's been a running gag almost as long as V's gender.