
after being silent for a while, Cellis spoke to the Voice What I'm wondering is how this all fits together? we have a pantheon of gods brought here before us, ruling over races none of us have ever seen, presumably coming from a different world. Does the Wyrm seed worlds with gods, spreading life? it seems an odd thing for a primal force of evil to do. Why have the Rycek not explored or conquered our lands? they have been here longer than us, so shouldn't they posses greater servants? has anyone asked the elementals what they know of them? I find it hard to believe that they would not have had dealings with such beings unless they intentionally cut themselves off.

If there's a balancer and an evil force, where is the great celestial to aid us in our struggle? if the Elementals have fought for so long, why does the universe exist at all?


Perhaps you should lead us to your village, to see your wares, we can then agree on a price. We would also see your temples and shrines.