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Thread: OOTS #600 - The Discussion Thread

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #600 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by EyethatBinds View Post
    I rarely post, and therefore rarely complain. Its not that I don't find the strips past that one assuming, just that I feel the quality of the comic hasn't been in step with what I thought Mr. Burlew was capable of.

    The comic is still worth reading [sometimes] so that's why I decided a vain attempt to chide his more recent further dip in quality a more fervent post.

    I can respect other people's opine of the comic, I was just expressing my own. No cause for alarm.
    You've misspelt "amusing", and "vain attempt to chide his more recent further dip in quality a more fervent post" is gibberish.
    Also, "opine" is a verb, meaning to state an opinion, whereas what you want in this instance is the word opinion. The word you were searching for is actually "opinion".
    And "Mr. Burlew" seems very formal, almost patronising rather than respectful given the context.

    Quote Originally Posted by EyethatBinds View Post
    I went back and checked, #465, that was the last comic that made me laugh. Keep up the good work Mr. Burlew. I'm sure my opinion doesn't really make too much a deal, but I thought I'd just throw that out there.
    What was it about #465 that made you laugh, and why do you feel that's no longer present in the comic?
    Last edited by deworde; 2008-10-16 at 06:32 AM.
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