Quote Originally Posted by TwoBitWriter View Post
I am back from my honeymoon, but have over a week of work to catch up on. Once I am caught up, I will be able to resume updating all my games.
Alright, I thought you would be posting again soon so I decided to wait and see what you wanted to do. I guess we'll still go ahead a bit more without you though.

I hope you enjoyed your little trip.

You hear five different voices in the room: one, who is talking most, seems to be speaking of wounds and healing to the second, who is groaning in obvious pain. The other three are discussing something about a messenger to "the Commander," as if they may intend to send one. One of those voices, who the other two seem to defer to, is advocating waiting for a patrol to come and sending those men, while the others are attempting to convince him to send one of them now.

Despite the fact that they apparently aren't speaking, you can hear at least two other people moving in the room, shifting rubble and clanking against the walls and floor with something metal. There may be as few as seven or as many as ten individuals in the chamber; more would cause too much noise.

Seeker also manages to identify the streak of black blood from the smell. It is orc-blood, and has been drying for a few hours at most.

From what you have seen so far, you can guess that the castle once had a large hall before a central courtyard, both of which would be east of where you are now. South of you would be mostly storage and industry, with a connection to the kitchens down one of the now-blocked corridors there, while to the north would be mainly barracks. On the northeast end of the dungeon would be nobility's chambers, and the last corner would have the stables and pits for prisoners.