"Ya can nut be messin' with the fabric o' reality like dhat!"
As you enter the Bulderstrum Guild hall, you see a shaggy elven barbarian, arguing vemently with what appears to be a small orb of gelatin.
Past the pair, a demon plays craps with several gnomes, a small fire elemental lighting up the table, where they appear to play for small bronze grasshoppers.
In the soaring ceiling, a number of carrier birds flutter, as well as more than a few familiars, companions and adventurers like yourselves.
In the chaos of so many different people, with so many different costumes and accents, you begin to feel a bit small.
A young ogre notices you and, being an ogre, crashes directly through the wake of an Anima Mage currently trying to either summon a pair of shoes, or bind the owl celestial sitting above him.
"Ya, you for boos?
Don't say notin'.
I knows."

He motions you to follow him through the crowd, eventually leading you to a small waiting room, where three other people are arranged on chairs.