((Wait... So... We're basically jumping over a barricade into a trench, right? There's several feet between us and the ground, right? And I'm jumping, so that will give me an extra bit of airtime, right?

Hmmmm... That might give me time to do something cool... ))

Frenis runs up to and leaps over the barricade, and suddenly finds himself soaring over several Houten who are seconds from shooting him to bits. He lets out a harsh snarl, lowers his weapon, and fires his rifle point blank into the face of the Houten directly beneath him. The man's head explodes, and Frenis' feet land on his shoulders. The sharpshooter rides his corpse to the ground, and promptly bashes the butt of his rifle into the face of the nearest enemy.


1d3 shots - 1d for using a rifle - 1d for being a sharpshooter = 1d1 to get a hit. But if my one shot kill was against the rules, I'll edit...

Awareness: (1d20+10)[19] to avoid getting clubbed or shot upon landing
Melee attack: (1d10+13)[19] to bash in a face with his rifle stock.

Again, I'll edit if anything is wrong with my post...