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    Bugbear in the Playground
    DavidByron's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: Adventurers' Guild 2: Cap'n Marko and the crew of the Sampo

    Dragutin and Feodor enter the Hangman inn. It is late and the place is nearly empty. The barman, a human man, warns "we're closing soon". There are a couple of other customers. The bar is a split level and a group of halflings sit at the lower end, a single man at the tall end. The decorations of this pub seem to have a theme of dead animals or beasts that presumably were killed out in the bog as you recognise some as being marsh creatures. In pride of place over the hearth is a tiny black dragon, stuffed presumably. It looks to be well preserved and whole and is the size of a large cat. It must have been a hatchling.

    Man drinking at bar, to Dragutin:
    What have we here? That is a guild badge from Bridgeport isn't it? How did you come by an adventurers' guild badge?
    Adventurers' Guild members get a small silver looking badge which they wear to identify them. I tend to assume people are wearing them unless otherwise specified or its obvious they are disguising themselves. The badge depicts a stream and a path and a sword and a staff crossed. I think that was it. Have to check now... Since the guild is only about 3 months old few would recognise it outside Bridgeport.
    Last edited by DavidByron; 2008-10-23 at 11:37 AM.