Miss Murder

Miss Murder takes another strike at the dragon's flanks as it moves past her, weathering the corrosive gas easily with the help of protective magic. Her horse is not so lucky, giving a high-pitched scream that trails off into nothingness as it stumbles to the ground and falls, lungs burning.

An angry Miss Murder directs a glare at the beast in front of her, but the target behind her is too tempting to pass up. She turns, whirling her flail once in a downward circle to build momentum and bringing it into the dragon's rear flank on the second downswing.

Attack of opportunity: (1d20+18)[36], damage (1d8+6)[12]

The horse is either dead or dying; probably dead, but Miss Murder autosucceeds on her Ride check not to be prone. (1d20+4)[10] And here's Miss Murder's save, to track how much damage the Resist Energy spell has taken: (1d20+8)[16]

Miss Murder takes a 5-foot step down and to the left, which should hopefully get her flanking with Watson, switches to Tactics of the Wolf; anyone flanking the enemy with her gets a +5 bonus on damage rolls. She then uses Elder Mountain Hammer, taking a -5 penalty to gain 10 temporary hp from Stone Power.

Attack (1d20+17)[22] (+2 for flanking, +2 for being in a White Raven stance, -5 for Stone Power), damage (1d8+6)[8], extra damage (6d6)[14]