Baldier was extremly surpsied that his plan had failed, and that the asteroid had not been averted in the slightest.... this could only mean a few things A: The Asteroid was beng controlled by a greater force then that of the void stuff, and the twelve supa nukes that ahd been detonated in addition to the force of the ship itself crashing into the great rock.... B: The astwroid itself was a living being.... this would explain the evil aura that a rock alone could not bear, or C: It was being drawn here by something incomprabliy evil here on the planet.... None of these bore good news, or anything resembling it.... Thus with a minor act to reinforce the wards of the city of Auir, and to attempt to scry on the interior of the meteor he set out to find the strongest evil on this planet, or location of greatest evil/artifact of greatest evil.
If any of these were found he would study them while using all of his stealthy power to remain undetected by any save the god of good, and the god of craft as he relayed information to them.