
Heh. Neither look that me.

Hist is relaxed, seated on the ground, his small ioun stone rotating around his forehead. His face is still a little grim however.


Some battles, you can't win. No matter what the war, and what you do. Fate is not always nice enough to leave everything as possible. The only thing you can hope for is to do what you can, save those we can. And we did. We fought with every damn thing we had., and saved a good many people

Those that we couldn't, spirit and mortal... "Think of them, remember them... but best not to dwell on them. That never does anyone good."

He sounds like he's quoting something. He looks more... whistful, for a moment. As if remembering times, that if not better, were similar.

What I try to do. The sort of wisdom old men teach. Doesn't make it much easier though. Never does...