Forest Folk:
Quote Originally Posted by Lochar View Post
To Anura's second set of questions, Krista shakes her head. "Unfortunately my friend, I do not know of a battle such as that. I do, however, know that Pygas was an oddity among the gods, that his divine realm was not among the Outer Planes, but on this material plane. His own realm would be considered his most Holy Grounds. If, as you heard rumors of, a battle happened there, I could not see how a God could lose such a battle."
Still looking a bit overwhelmed at having the legend of the seeds confirmed, Anura doesn't seem to process this at first.

"The material the Icon's destruction...the most Holy Grounds...I didn't put it together..."

She looks at Kjapp, and falls silent, but her eyes are not really focused on him. When she speaks again, she seems to be talking to herself.

"So the blight of Auromar that descended a thousand years ago was caused by some mortal champion of who reached the Seeds and withered them. Probably a champion of Pygas. But as an immortal Grahf might well sponsor...or have sponsored...a champion himself. And that made all sorts of terrible things happen. But now the Icon is destroyed, and Pygas has been...dispersed, and His power is diminished. The blight the Seeds inflicted on Auromar has mostly lifted. But this is still Pygas' home plane. Icon or no, He's not gone, not really. If Silas reaches the Most Holy Grounds, Pygas...or what's left of Pygas...will be there. And if Hist is right that Grahf controls Pygas' divine realm, the Scholar might be there too. And these pockets of malignant magic we've been uncovering and calling 'curse energy'...what was bound at the pact circle and the altar of the temple in Eras, the energy that was used to bind Krista here, the binding of the spirits of Incrucio...too often it's behaved like more than mere magic. Jumping from person to person and all that. Behaving with purpose. I think it isn't really curse energy at all. In some sense, it's what's left of Pygas. Drawn to certain places of particular power or significance. Maybe so that a certain well-meaning but ignorant warlock can come along and put Humpty-Dumpty back together again, if Grahf's agents don't beat him to it.

"But I'm still missing something. A lot of things. Why did Pygas turn from a somewhat-benevolent tyrant Silas remembers, to the depraved evil god we know as the One? Did Grahf have something to do with his corruption? And this battle at the Most Holy Grounds, just before the continent was blighted...if it happened, what could it mean? Who was fighting and why? And who won?"