
Ted looks at the newcomer and lets out an audible sigh of relief.
"Thank god! Someone who knows what they're doing down here!"
He reaches into his pocket and takes out a rectangle of gum and begins to chew it quietly.

Backpack Contents:
Yesterday's math homework (with random numbers scribbled on it to look like he did it.)
2 Packs of Orbit Orange Flavored Gum, which he chews out of habit. (As of now!)
GameBoy DS with (Ironically) Pokemon Pearl in.
$2.25 for tomorow's lunch.
TI 84 Calculator, overloaded with Uncle Worm and Mario.
Science Textbook
Some Canned Soup (Again, for lunch)
Agenda, little used.
Spanish Book
iPod Chromatic.

...Or is that too much valuable stuff?