Taira Itagaki

Quote Originally Posted by MrEdwardNigma View Post
A man burst from the dust. Ishida seemed self-confident, and furious. He was rapidly striding foward, using a piece of a beam as a crutch. He acted nothing like the defeated heap of misery he'd been earlier.

"Itagaki, quickly, what happened here?"
His hand glid to his sword, as if he sensed that the epicentre of the chaos had to be near his wife.
"More demons!" Itagaki answered quickly, not taking the time to explain that the demons were actually men from the future. The priority was to communicate the situation in terms her husband could accept quickly; she could straighten out the facts later. "There is a war between two demon clans - the demon that killed my father is of one clan, and the man we met yesterday is actually a demon from the other clan. He claims his powers are bound and he cannot leave human form, but as he explained the situation to me, another demon attacked. I must assume it is from the same clan as my father's killer, but its powers are greater."

{{OOC: In fuedal Japanese culture, "demon" did not have the conotations of evil it does in modern Western culture, so Ishida should accept Itagaki's explanation relatively easily.}}