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Thread: The Tyranny of the Jedi (Alt KotOR SAGA)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: The Tyranny of the Jedi (Alt KotOR SAGA)


    The general lack of turbulance and excitement suggests to Vaya that they have broken the blockade.

    She takes out the lightsaber she took from the late Phrenias and inspects it closely. The design was crude, but effective, though she could definitely see ways to improve it. She ignited the saber, a bright purple beam emitted from it. Vaya smiled, at least Phrenias had taste. She decided that the time had come to build her own saber. This one could serve at its core.

    She left the room she had claimed and went to look for a workbench. Knowing mandalorians, they always had a workbench somewhere.

    While searching she spots Merrel and decides to have a little fun. She walks over and attempts to strike up a conversation. "So, Merrel was it right? I don't think we've been properly introduced, my name is Vaya Olessa." She holds out her hand, though expects Merrel not to take it. "You seem out of place with this band of criminals, though I expect we are very much alike. What got you sentenced to that prison anyway?

    Me I did not agree with Revan's course of action. The way I see it, he has embraced the Dark Side, though he is hiding it behind his deception of purity. Maybe he doesn't even know it himself yet."
    Last edited by BooNL; 2008-11-06 at 11:29 AM. Reason: spelling is a *boop*

    Recently resurrected. Sorry for bailing on you guys.

    "Never play leapfrog with a unicorn"
    Awesome OOTSatar by Crimmy, masterfully done.