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Thread: The Tyranny of the Jedi (Alt KotOR SAGA)

  1. - Top - End - #252
    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    UTC -6

    Default Re: The Tyranny of the Jedi (Alt KotOR SAGA)

    "What is an underarmed freighter filled with a few commandos and Force-users going to be able to do to boost fleet of your 'Grand Master's' ex-wife? It's probably already filled with commandos, actual warships, and Jetiise. We should call in reinforcements, so that when we join this Jedi's fleet, it will be in force. Vaklu and Mandalore have enough soldiers together that if we combine all our forces, we should bring a swift end to this lover's bout, and return sanity and honor to the galaxy."
    Last edited by Mando Knight; 2008-11-06 at 03:19 PM.