allright, I've never played an archivest, factotum, or beguiler before, and want to try one, so I'am turning to the good folks of this thread to help me.

Stuff you'll need to know:

Setting/system: D&D 3.5, in the iron kingdoms.

Books: the archivist and factotum arte the only things outside of the complete series, core, and the Iron kingdoms campaign setting I can use.
I have acceses to most of the No quarter! magazines.

Other party members: The DMpc, a Arcane Mechanic, the other Dmpc-ish guy, A fighter, a gobber rogue (I think), A gobber bodger/combat alchemist, An elven ranger who plans on going into rifleman, sometimes a cleric of morrow, and a Rogue (rouge?) who wants to go into pistoleer.

Fluff: The charcters are a special forces unit in the employ of Cygnar. each of the charcters know why they are in the army, but not why the others are.
We've just started recently, so I don't know much about anyone else.
At the moment, the party is on the way to Lelail (SP?), and is trapped in a forest full of barrow mogs. The wagon we used to get here has had it's horses killed, and we can only move anywhere by having a semi functional steam engine being made by the arcane mechanic and bodger.

Ability scores and level: we are level 3 at the moment, but are planning on getting to level 15-20 by the end of the campaign. our abilites are done with 31 point buy.

Money and gear: we don't have a formal starting money cost, so we can get a decent amount of kit if it makes sense for the charcter. nothing really, really expensive, however.

Cheese level needed: moderate to high. The bodger is apperntly very powerbuilt, and the fighter and ranger are have some cheese planned for future levels, too. The other combat charcters are strong, so I don't want to be useless in combat, but highly overshadowing the other players isnt good.

Class and charcter concept: The classes I was interested in were archivist, Factotum, and beguiler. For prestige classes, I don't have a very good idea, except for Malconvoker. For the concept, I'd like to have a charcter who was a mage being hunted by elven mage hunters, as well as mage guild wizards. The mage guild is after him for stealing research documents for himself.

I'll add in any details needed when asked for. the rp aspect of my charcter is importent, but I need to talk with the dm more to be able to have a real idea of what the charctrer is like.

thanks in advanced!
If I wasnt clear enough, or missed something, please let me know.