((Sorry this is updating slow. I've been pretty busy at work.))

((Fair enough, you guys have a lighter.))

The cables in the back of the laptop - and the other two devices - extend into the wooden pedestal which holds all three of them. (By pedestal, we're really talking more of a huge wooden box - think of the displays in department store windows). You can trace them no further than that.

For those of you who fukbled on in the darkness, I assume you prop open the doors behind you to offer some light. They are designed to hold themselves open if opened all the way.

As you creep along through the exhibit, you go past huge glass display cases, tables, velvet "do not cross" ropes, and dozens of frighteming silhouettes hanging fromt he ceiling or jutting out of every imaginable corner and crevice. More than once you bump into something, stubbing a toe or bruising your ribs. What's worse, you make noise doing it.

Your job doesn't take you into the exhibits very often but you have a general idea of the layout. You follow your instincts toward the SE corner. Behind one of the displays should be a staff door...

And then you see eyes looking at you.