
Raminov looked up at the sky, and saw the great burning orb and the blueness of it. It had been shining for some time and it was... oppressive. A good leader knew how to be commanding, but would not overdo it and cause their followers undo harm as a result. Seeking to amend this obvious imperfection, he made it so that the sun move slowly around the whole of the world, and bring light to all of it. In it's absence, the world would go dark, and the bright blue of the sky would fade darker and darker till it was black. But Raminov saw that this, too, was opressive, and sought to correct his own error. He looked to himself for inspiration, as he was want to, and saw the bright red star on his uniform. Yes, this was a good symbol to alleviate the darkness. He took the star, and he threw it up into the now dark sky. He made it glitter more brightly than any gem, and he made many more like it, of all sorts of colors and shapes. They would be orderly too, and those who looked up at them could see recognizable shapes and patterns formed in the night sky. He did this all over the world, and he saw that even in the night the bright stars would bring light to the world, though not nearly to the scale of sun.

1 Major Act to make the sun rotate around the world, thus creating a system of day/night, and creating night as a result, and making the stars all over the world. If this seems like a bit much for one act I can use more