Quote Originally Posted by Dragonrider View Post
My family got a Mac today. This is historic because, well, we never have before.

OK, we didn't 'get' it. We were 'given' it. But....

*fingers twitch*

No right click...no scroll wheel...none of my favorite keyboard shortcuts (not even CTRL+A?)....GAH!

I'm on MY computer right now. My comfortable Dell laptop. My brother has one too. So does my mom. But our family computer is now a Mac.

I have nothing against them; just for someone who's grown up on PCs and is a total poweruser (that is, uses keyboard shortcuts for everything), they're infuriating.

Get a two button mouse, plug it in. Voila, you have a right click that actually works like on a PC. Also, all the keyboard shortcuts exist, they are just different to what you are used to.

Quote Originally Posted by Jack Squat View Post
Unless they've changed in the past 5 years or so, Macs have the same shortcut keys...you've just got to hit that funky pound sign at the bottom instead of ctrl.

I don't find anything particularly wrong with Macs, but I'm not going to pay more for an artsy computer when I'm not doing anything particularly artsy with it.
Apple doesn't reduce the price of their new PCs, instead, they silently upgrade them. If you buy at the right time, you can buy a Mac for cheaper than you can buy an equivalent Dell.

Quote Originally Posted by Player_Zero View Post
This is why you should use a mac.
No, this is why you should buy a Mac.