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    Troll in the Playground
    Xsesiv's Avatar

    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Re: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (new players still welcome)

    The bag contains a purse of (2d100)[93] gc, the four daggers from Bernolt, and a day's rations for each of you with a note in stilted Reikspiel.
    I would keep the daggers, were they not inscribed with names. Try the curiosity shop in Averheim, headed by a Herr Hugelstein. The money should buy you something helpful for your quest from him; we have no need of it.

    Inscribed by Wizard Mellion."

    If two people are rowing (by my rules) they get to make all Row tests at double Strength, but they both have to make a Very Easy Row test to stay in harmony or veer off to one side (the side of the person with lowest Strength). That doesn't much matter on a river, but it would still be annoying. Let's assume you're about halfway down the river, when...
    Last edited by Xsesiv; 2008-11-13 at 12:53 PM.

    ...more scared of the living...