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Thread: Total War 2250

  1. - Top - End - #261
    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: Total War 2250

    Justice Conference

    Stepping out of the airlock of his transport, Daimyo Takeda reels at the sight of the massive station. His retainers quickly go to catch him as he accidentally stumbles back while trying to take in all of the station around him. He is dressed in a more conservative attire, a full double-breasted suit with a small, red bow-tie.

    "Well, I'll be...looks like the Americans have been hard at work out here. I think this thing might even be bigger than a Kyoto. Truly awesome is what this is."
    Last edited by Pumpkin3.1415; 2008-11-14 at 03:04 PM.
    Vanguard of the Horace Greenhilt fan club. Pretend there's a smiley and get off my back...