Quote Originally Posted by Flame of Anor View Post
I'll vote for 50%. [rhetoric] Come on, people, 50% is the only percentage higher than 30% that has a chance of a comeback! Don't waste your votes on 60%, 70%, or 80%--it is only with YOUR help that we can make it 50% so the exotic races will still be exotic! If the exotic races are given free reign, then they will become common--just look at the warforged! They were supposed to be cool weird robot things, but now they're boring old every-party-must-have-one robot things. I don't want half-djinns and genasi to be like that! [/rhetoric]

And I totally agree that how many people wanted a race to be included does NOT tally with how popular it should be. Lizardfolk and gnolls should totally be the most populous, with half-djinn and genasi way down near the bottom.

HEY! I want gnoll tribes! what's more awesome then the Lizardfolk EMpire?