Quote Originally Posted by yoyorobbo View Post
Marcado, after coming down from the great tree, makes his way to try to regroup with his companions.

"Oliver, nice work back there. Apparently I almost got myself into a little trouble with my ascent up the tree." he ashamedly admits.

"I'm quite certain my host was not disturbed by my presence among his great limbs, but the townspeople seem a bit on edge about the idea. I wonder why..."

"At any rate, the view was grand! There are others out in the desert, people going somewhere...exactly where I cannot say....maybe to the wall...maybe not. Oh and along with the great walls of Karsh, there are some other structures out there as well...maybe another a small town or village."

"Most intriguing in my scan of the area...well...I know not why...but I found myself focusing on a temple....have you seen this place?"
Inim-shara clutches his head.

"Oh gods! He went up the tree! We're all doomed!"

"Be quiet!" Mary hisses at him.