Freddy Biscuit

Quote Originally Posted by Flashback
John fiddled with the radio, the static only a quiet buzz and dying down now. With a final bang on the dashboard, the in-car radio came into line and kept quiet. The squad kept silent as they drove down the road, looking at all the wrecked retail stores that lined both sides of the broken road. The radio buzzed again, but John didn't pick it up. The voice on the other end seemed familiar, even through the buzzing and crackling.
Coming back to reality, Freddy shook his head. He really needed to see a shrink about these flashbacks. The radio on his shoulder buzzed and crackled and Freddy heard the distant voice of Stalin. The reception seems too bad to even attempt a reply. Freddy reloads his pistol, making a mental note to pick up some more ammo later on and checks the fuse box again; deliberately stepping onto the body of a cockroach, his foot sinking into the creature with a sickening crunch, covering his foot in a horrible goo.

If the fusebox is not fully repaired, Freddy will repair it now, if it is repaired, Freddy will travel back to Stalin and his boys and report on the situation. He'll also probably grab a new uniform, pistol clip and possibly body armour if available.
(d100)[75] VS (Repair) 60%
By the way, I know you said skills in green allow for a check, when are we allowed to take a check? Will you tell us when?