"No, don't bother Verrukt. We want fast, air capable evac for this, and Gorgons aren't right for that job. You probably have a bunch of tau ships and light fliers half disassembled, so we probably should just slap some PDF paint patterns on those as the Evac craft.

So, to sum up this thing so we don't get any misunderstandings like last time, where someone took 'wait for orders to fire, then ambush the ambassadors, steal the tech, and run' to mean 'Kill the first kroot you see', the plan is: Two teams. One uses Eldar tech to convince the Orks that the Eldar want a good scrap, then run, and leave a nearby craftworld to take the damage. The other uses fliers disguised as unarmed PDF craft to rescue to stranded guard unit, and, if necessary, pick off any Orks not attacking the "Eldar". Any questions?"