
You’re pretty slick about making it to the toilet before anyone else. You knew they’d be watching you. Only regulars came here. Even so, not a second after you and the guy were in the bathroom together, alone, another man walks through the door. He thought he was playing it cool peeing and washing up. He even checked his face out in the mirror and took a spiffy folding comb out of his pocket. Now it was time to make himself look pretty.

No, I think you both knew why he was here. “Oi, Myouji!” The man with the comb said. He was a tough looking man, and he was always two arms-lengths away from you. “Just a little longer and I’m sure the boss will be tired soon. Tough it out!”

Did that mean the guy who was really out of it was named Myouji?

More importantly, did you want to punch this other man in the face?

Tsuchide Michieru

SexyMealHardcoreT: Do you want to Cyber, baby? Honk me, honk mi, I’m hardwired for you. I do webcam!

Another window blocks out the chat window, it’s your antivirus program.
An external user needs permission to establish a network.

1) Always grant permission to this user
2) Allow this instance only
3) Deny access

If you had trouble deciding, there was always the button in the corner that closed the window. By default that one denied access. At least that’s what it usually did. There was no telling with these hacker types. Shouldn’t you be turning the machine off and reporting this to Swarley, right about now?