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Thread: A Tale of Dieties - IC

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: A Tale of Dieties - IC


    In a universe run amok with change, there must be consistency. A continuum of existence, a status quo that cannot be denied. It must be forever continuing, with no pauses or gaps or leaks or breaches. A sort of maintenance, but one that requires a janitor unlike any other. A janitor that can never go off duty, or leave his post. To do so would let reality unravel at the seams, and that would generally fall into the category of unfavorable.

    Thus maintenance became an aspect of the universe, perhaps one that is not appreciated, but one that is noticed when it is not present. Like with all aspects of the universe, maintenance cannot be left to its own devices, lest the entire universe become absolutely rigid in some perfect form of stasis. So a god was born, one tasked with making sure that everything was held together, and that the odd tear or fracture in reality was obliterated.

    Then there was life, the pesky thing that- from the chaos of the universe- came into being as a bastard child of an orgy between magic, chemistry, and the whims of some previous power. Life was uncontrolled, unmaintained. It made so many holes in time and space and reality by its creation that the universe nearly reset itself. But it did not do that, and the being known as the Maintainer also became part of evolution. Its task was not only to safeguard reality, but to ensure that evolution went according to its own insane schedule. A schedule that the Maintainer took part of, and soon a God was born. The God Bel-Shannon, the quintessence of universal maintenance and that genetic aberration known as the evolution of life. It was its duty to ensure fish could not fly, and that birds did not get the wise idea of eating rocks instead of worms.

    Unfortunately, a paradox occurred. The universe does not like paradoxes, and as such Bel-Shannon was nearly destroyed. How could a god charged with maintaining a constant universe also maintain the chaotic genetic crashes of organic life? The answer presented itself in a loophole: By never physically manifesting, and instead using the ordered laws of reality to ensure the proper precedents were in place for evolution to follow a path set in stone, rather than chiseling itself a new one. So Bel-Shannon set about this task, finding itself a race that would call itself the apex of evolutionary advancement.
    __________________________________________________ _____

    So began the Gnomes, closest in nature to Bel-Shannon. Their curiosity nearly obliterated them on several occasions, if only because the neighboring tribe was wondering just where the last tribe went. Were it not for an amount of timely evolution in the head, they may well have gone after the Dodo on its last jog. They developed something few other species had: common sense. A power so miraculous that it counterweighted their lethal curiosity, forcing them to pause before a stupid venture. Naturally, most ignored the millisecond pause, but it was something that generally saved them from becoming easy lunch for a growing population of alligators.

    This went on for a bit, until Bel-Shannon finally grew tired of having to wait decades for the gnomes to grow a few brain cells more. Waiting itself wasn't the problem, the matter of being unable to address immediate evolutionary dangers was. So Bel-Shannon, infinite in Its glory, stretched hundreds of appendages out to affect the universe. Gnomes soon became quick to breed, and their genome quickly deteriorated into chaos. This, to the God, was a good thing. It ensured that the species its so secretly favored would be well on the uptake to change, if in a somewhat volatile state.

    Yet Bel-Shannon, unsure of just what a species such as its would need to survive in the world outside of genetics, decided to hold back and watch. Much could be learned by observing, with the odd touch of a sharp edge to cut off unseemly events.

    Power employed:
    2 Major Acts to create the Gnomes, bless their overly curious souls.
    Last edited by Darth_Malevo; 2008-11-30 at 05:14 PM.