Bexly turns his upper torso to face at the dwarf I spend much of my time "out side" exploring the natural state of this world in order to better myself as a servant and gaurdian of the natural order. A traveler i met told me there was a path to other worlds here. It sounded interesting so i came to have a look.
Bexly then turns his attention to the human. As for entering i'm content to stay in this world. That one points inside the gate looks a bit crowded
At that he walks over to the side of the path very near the entry way of the gate and curls his cat like lower body up and rummages in his pack for a snackwhile watching people come and go through the gate, occasionally looking in on what he feels must be some strange new world where nature has been wiped out to form and endless crowded town that must cover every thing beyond.

= normal talking
= mild sarcasm
= extra emphasis