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Thread: The Fatal Syzygy - Saints

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    Orc in the Playground
    KingRexII's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Fatal Syzygy - Saints

    Bala's efforts aren't quite fast enough1 as she doesn't get to the corpse in time. The rock crunches the bones and then breaks apart on top of it. The remaining pile will probably take a little bit of time to clear up. Later, she and Jaxon examine the portraits to find that the dusty and faded paintings are of shorter folk -- gnomes. The plaque underneath each one holds the subject's name. Each one is actually a series of plaques tacked onto the end of the last one, resulting it extremely long names. None of them have the name 'Orin', though. None of the paintings have anything extraordinary about them.

    Even before she gets a chance to look at the bones proper, Mary notices that these people have been dead for much too long for her to determine a specific cause of death. She, Armina and Jaxon find a plethora of items2.

    The lizardfolk turns from his work at the doors when Mary uses the word 'sir'. With a harrumph, he says, "I don't care about the crown -- my people have no use for it, but the kobolds outside do. I hate helping those sniveling turds, but they stole something of ours. We need the crown to trade for it back." He takes a shoulder to the door one more time to try to break it down, but his attempts fails. He looks at the half-giant, "Hey, you look like you could get through this door. Mind helping me?"


    1Rolled some rolls for Ms. Bala
    2Once again, those touching the items somehow know their magical properties.
    One body is large -- covered under its cloak are:
    Large Guisarme +1 (Sigurd)
    Heavy Plate +1 w? MWK Spikes (Sigurd)

    Cloak of Protection +1 (Sigurd) (this is what covered the other things)
    Handy Haversack containing the items dariathalon requested be in the HHH (Jaxon) -- the bag is initialed with 'JW', and the items inside are 'medium' sized
    Wand of CLW (40 charges) (Jaxon)
    Headband of Intellect +2 (Bala)
    A medium sized, brown book that somehow survived however long these corpses had been here

    One body is medium sized -- covered mostly with rocks:
    Handy Haversack containing the items Toliudar requested be in the HHH (Bala)
    Wand of Protection from Evil (45 charges) (Bala)
    MWK Might (+2 STR bonus) Composite Longbow (Jaxon)
    Ehlonna's Quiver w/ 50 arrows, 18 javelins, 4 spears (Jaxon)
    Deep Crystal scimitar (Armina)
    Someone else's psicrystal, inert, but still exuding a faint psionic pulse

    Last edited by KingRexII; 2008-12-22 at 05:53 PM.
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