
The Spirit Turtle was pleased with its creations - they lived in peace, yet their very existence made the others contain themselves, balancing each other out. This made Shouheki pleased.

Casting its eyes into the Spirit Realm, Shouheki say that, unlike before, some of the spirits were becoming more powerful than the rest - powerful enough to influence the Mortal Realm simply by their presence. They were Arashi, the Sky Asunder; Chisei, Heart of Oceans; Hokori, Dust Drinker; and Jiwari, the Earth Aflame. They embodied the pure essence of the four elements, and they were almost powerful enough to come through the Veil, the barrier between the worlds, unassisted.

Major Acts: 0

Minor Acts: 5

Ceremonies: 2

Major Acts: 0

Minor Acts: 4 - The four elemental spirits (Arashi - Air, Chisei - Water, Hokori - Earth, Jiwari - Fire)

Ceremonies: 0

Major Acts: 0

Minor Acts: 1

Ceremonies: 2