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Thread: The Most Merciful Thing (OOC)

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    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    Nov 2008
    St. Louis

    Default Re: The Most Merciful Thing (OOC)

    He looks human in all ways save his thick skin (which you detect more through tactile than looks, his incredibly thick and sharp claws, and a dichotomy between intellect and knowledge and a very bestial undertone). In short, he is some manner of augmented human.

    Anyone with Knowledge (nature) or a bardic knowledge check can roll a DC 15 can roll it to figure it out ...

    And you can make a Knowledge check untrained (basically an INT check) only if the DC of the subject matter is 10 or less. The standard PHB pantheon - names and basic portfolios, but little else - should definitely be common enough to do that.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2008-12-10 at 05:51 PM.