((Gather Info - I'm changing his voice colour just to make sure that he doesn't get mixed up with anyone else.))

He snaps up his gold piece, and begins to talk. Well, they're adventures, ain't they. Big one's Auric, that sneaky woman is Tirra, and the man speaking elven right now is Khellek. From what I've gathered the past few days, they plan on exploring one of the cairns outside of town, looking for treasure and adventure. I'm fairly certain that is their entire reason for being here . . . I have never seen them before this month, and I certainly never heard of them before that.
That, my friend, is all I know.


You plan to explore the cairn? Well, I may tell you then, that I have no plans of sharing . . . and if you want to get in our way, we will make sure to find a way to get rid of you. Whatever treasures and glories to be found in the Stirgenest Cairn are ours for the taking.
((Hearing the last part about the stirgenest, and being a local, makes you laugh a little bit. Stirgenest has been empty for years, most everyone in town knows that.))