Fizahn enters the small tunnel. Even with his small stature, he is forced to crouch to avoid scraping his head on the ceiling. The tunnel has been dug relatively recently. With his low-light vision, he can see claw marks in the wall. A strong fishy odor mingles with the smell of fresh earth. He recognizes the stink from his exposure to the dark mist.

The tunnel darkens further as Oden seals the entrance (and a potential exit) with a spell.

He moves cautiously, as silently as possible. The tunnel slopes downward slightly for the first 15 ft, then cuts back upward for the last 10 ft. The tunnel then ends.

There is a loosely fitting stone, roughly 3 ft x 3 ft x 1 ft, blocking his way. Looking back, he can not see the entrance to the tunnel directly (due to the dip and rise). There is, however, still just enough diffused light for him to see that the stone does not seal the passage, it just prevents him from moving past it without pushing it aside. There is near total darkness beyond. He can feel cool air on his face. The stench is quite strong now.

Fizahn tries to slink around the stone, without disturbing it. His head and left arm are through when he becomes stuck fast. He finds that he can move neither forward nor backward without dislodging the stone. Cursing under his breath, he is weighing his options when suddenly he sees a shaft of light pierce the darkness from 50 ft away, illuminating a large round chamber...


Just as Linda quietly asks who has the passwall scroll, she hears the scrape of stone on stone, then a loud thump as the hewn rock "door" topples forward into the earth, narrowly missing Thokk.

A dark 5 ft x 8 ft opening is revealed.

Taern's smile of satisfaction fades as an angry hiss echoes from the chamber...

OOC: Fizahn's Escape Artist check: 9 (1+8). Fizahn gets stuck as he tries to wriggle past the stone blocking the "hidden" exit. Taern's Strength check: 22 (20+2). Taern pulls down the stone "front door." The dragon wakes up.