You trudge onwards, and on, through the neverending bleak. Maybe you're going in circles; what with no landmarks, it wouldn't be that surprising. Finally, you see the 1st sign of life in days... clouds break out one evening, and it looks about to rain... thunder, lighning... then an immense, colossal bird bursts through, into sight, striking awe into your heart. It crackles with electricity, and screams so loud your ears ring... and then there is nothing. The clouds are gone, and you can't even be sure what you saw was real; maybe you're going insane? Either way, you are now no closer to your destination than you ever were; the shape in the distance can barely be made out now... some kind of white, and blue... but you're not sure you can reach it. Then again, you're not sure you can make it back. You take one more step... and your foot sinks into the ground. You can swear you hear a splash of water, and your foot feels wet, and cold... but you see unmarked dirt where it sunk into, no more, no less.