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Thread: The Fatal Syzygy - Saints

  1. - Top - End - #148
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Default Re: The Fatal Syzygy - Saints


    "Huh? Well that's odd... Somebody's already sprung all of these traps, but they left the crown and necklace where they were. You'd think that any thieves that mighta come through would have seen them and grabbed them up. Mebbe they know somethin' we don't. 'less there's something else springing all of these." His eyes dart to the darker corners of the room, scanning them for anything that might still be hidden there. Once he's satisfied himself that they are alone, he says, "Hey...uh you," he says looking at the lizardman, "You seem to know more 'bout this crown than the rest of us. Any insights?" He walks over to the wall behind the throne, while waiting for an answer. "On the plus side, I did find another exit, if we need it." He indicates the section of wall where the door is located.

    I'm assuming that Jaxon had checked over the door for traps as well, if not he'd obviously do that before considering opening the door.
    Last edited by dariathalon; 2008-12-24 at 12:29 PM.