Elthan, Taern, and Fizahn examine the body in front of them in more detail (skeleton #4):

The mummified skeleton kneels facing the dais. His hands are clasped around the hilt of a still glistening dagger that protrudes from his sternum. The skeleton's forehead touches the ground, and it looks as though the body has lain in this precariously balanced position for all of these centuries. Fragments of rotted cloth suggest that this adventurer was unarmored and dressed only in robes. It appears that the two metal bracers around his wrists were his only protections. Next to the body is an old leather knapsack, still closed.

Linda, Thokk, and Graevic investigate the body to the left (skeleton #1):

As noted previously, this body is still encased in platemail. Much of the armor has rusted and crumbled, though it also appears that it was badly damaged even before time had its way with it. The shield is so decrepit that you can barely make out its blazon (per pale vert and azure, a fret or). Only the breastplate appears to have been immune to damage and time. It glistens under a layer of dust and perhaps soot. At first it looked as though this knight was unarmed, but on closed inspection you can see the hilt of a longsword still clutched in his right hand. The blade is missing, however. Broken off perhaps?