Quote Originally Posted by Threeshades View Post
Here is the shades color code:
White, first shade, primes: These are mainly commanders, tacticians and other types of officers. The first shade keeps the others bound to the material plane it's head of all of them. Monstrous prime shades are still roughly humanoid in shape, but a lot bigger, usually they have about the proportions of a big Slaad. If they have visible teeth those are usually purple. They have lesser magic and close combat capabilites. Usually better at combat but worse at magic than their second shade counterparts but better at magic and worse at combat than their third shade versions.
Red, second shade, secs: Here we have the caster section. The second shade as well as the secs are all able to cast vile arcane and divine magic (they convert any damage to a half to vile damage, the spells look like the normal version just all pitch black), they can summon more of the alucardian demons you've all already seen summoned by the second shade. This also applies for monstrous sec shades. These usually look like snakes or tentacled monsters. If they have teeth, they're white.
Purple, third shade, tertians: These are responsible for close-up combat and gory mayhem. There's not much more to say about them. Monstrous tertians take the hape of clawed and spiked monsters of all kinds of shapes. Their teeth are red.

I think that's all information you need not to do them horribly wrong.

You will just walk into a pointless, wasted story arc if you try to walk in there without threeshades resurrected.
Where is threeshades anyway? I mean her body.