Had another cool dream last night. I'm posting about it so I don't forget it. My friend and I are having a contest to see who had a cooler dream.

So there was this party going on at this huge mansion. This was no ordinary mansion, mind you. This mansion had all sorts of gymnastic cushions and the lot. It was a kid's wonderland; you could run yourself into anything and not get hurt. Anyway, so there was a party, and I was busy checking out the table full of appetizers, when someone approaches me, clearly angry about something. He says that I apparently took his girl, and he wanted her back (so evidently I'm a dude in this dream). I just ignore him and brush him away, making snarky comments at him. Finally, he challenges me to a duel, which I accept. He storms off, and I, obviously upset about this, start chugging cranberry Sierra Mist like it's booze. I explore the mansion some more while I do this, then I meet up with this "girl" the jackass referred to earlier. She was worried about me, and trying to prevent me from dueling this guy later. I just kept ignoring her as I continued "drinking". Finally, after we stop to sit for a bit, she comes up with an idea. Apparently, there's some other woman who's in love with the man I'm going to duel. She says that if the two of them become best friends, things might be able to work out. I find some sort of flaw in this plan, and try to run after her, but the floor in this particular room is made up of giant foam gymnastic mattresses, so it's extremely difficult to run. I finally topple over, though for some reason she runs across the room with ease.

Then I notice I have drool on the side of my mouth, so I wipe it off. Turns out, I was doing that in real life, too. This completely shut off the dream. It was starting to get good, too.