Rob Balder explained the zones in this post today, so i guess Ansom taking the pliers in his turn was okay with the rules.
but still there are some things (most of them already mentioned) in the recent 2 pages that gave people reason to raise an eyebrow:

- damage effects: Ansom might have or has taken damage in the following situations:
fighting the undead horde in (pg. 118 - 119), taking a full hit from undead warlord Webinar that knocked him out (120.2), crashing hard on the wall after falling from quite a distance (120.4, you can estimate the falling distance in 120.6 - i'd say between 10 and 15 meters), which crashes his helmet, but doesnt keep him from immediately regaining consciousness (someone being k.o. awakening after another massive hit is quite remarkable in all real and fictional universes in know of...), and then figthing the undead horde again (121.13). still, in 122 we can see no scratches or any other kind of injuries on him. only his cape got a bit gnawed off.
the only damage Wanda took was from the fall in 121.11. in 121.10 we can estimate the falling distance - its about 6 times her physical height - so i'd say its something below 10 meters. Wanda is mortally wounded despite her wearing full body armor, which seems odd compared to Ansom, whose spine or organs obviously are not crushed even though he's only wearing some fancy leather dress.

- time bending: already mentined numerous times - how many seconds would it take the WAF to cover those approx. 10 - 15 meters to Ansoms position? 4 seconds? 5? Ansom had a lot more than that to get up, mourn Webinar, call the Archon, find the accept button and have the Archons complete their spells. but time works different in erfworld, so maybe strategy game mechanics apply, where you get all the time you need for important decisions like that contract.

- definition of airspace: i think a lot of confusion comes from the missing, plausible definition of GK airspace. when is a unit in airspace? when its feet dont touch the ground? so a person jumping up would be in airspace, being a valid target for an Archon for a moment? or are flying units in airspace? a flying unipegtaur that stretches out one of its leg to touch the ground or the outer wall would be able to avoid taking damage from an archon? imho the existance of the airspace zone itself poses some problems to a strategy setting like this, where units can move and act freely in combat.
also its obviously possible for ground units to hit air zone targets by shooting arrows, but its not possible for air units to attack ground targets with spells? that seems odd.

- disappointment in dramaturgy: i think most of the readers believe that Wanda, who is undoubtedly one of the most favored characters, will attune to the pliers. Wanda herself and even Ansom seem to know that already. so i guess the majority of readers expected or hoped that Wanda would have her attunement in 122 - everything was set up perfectly. but the Authors decided to let the opportunity for this highlight pass and instead had Charly save the day for Ansom - again. imho this disappointed many a reader here and even though i am certain that Wanda will get healed and attune to the pliers at a later time, it might have hurt the dramaturgy of the story a bit, frustrating some people here.

anyway, its the authors who tell the story and they had their good reasons for the turn of events. i think this is a great, exceptionally witty designed web comic and i'm sure every disappointment some of us had to accept for the moment will be made forgotten by the upcoming grand finale of this chapter.