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Thread: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

    A tall, gaunt Githyanki nods to his team-mates. There's something odd about the way he moves, though that may just be typical to his race. His greying hair, slightly disheveled, is drawn back in the Githyanki style; his clothes are reddish silk trimmed with silver, with no loose folds that could be grabbed or catch on anything. In his left hand, he wields a brass wand; in his right, a short staff.

    "Greetings. I am Djelekh. --Candle Jack, you say? That sounds familar, somehow. Candle Jack, Candle Jack, Candle Jack," he repeats to himself, trying to dislodge the name from his memory. "Hm. Anyway, I am a wizard. Of the Serpent Eye or the Path of the Orb. Focusing on obstructive and terrain-altering spells."
    Last edited by Inyssius Tor; 2009-01-10 at 04:36 AM.
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