Quote Originally Posted by TwoBitWriter View Post
You are too young to really remember the Super Nintendo...

God... the hours I spent on that system. Back when I took the Genesis/Super Nintento debate super serious. I was, of course, firmly pro-nintendo.

And it is weird as hell seeing Sonic games on Nintendo now. When I saw Sonic on Smash Brothers: Brawl, I about died!
Ah, the good old Sonic/Mario rivalry. My neighbor had a NES, and I spent a good deal of time over there playing Mario Bros. and Duck hunt and what have you. Never got very far, but it was loads of fun. For my part, I had a genesis. Played a lot of Sonic 2 and 3. Actually beat three once, though I remain unable to actually complete 2 without cheating or a lot of luck. Stupid final stage with no rings...