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Thread: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

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    Pixie in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Default Re: Dame Morbid's Tourney, Team 2

    Candle Jack. Show him the whites, and, by george, he'll bite.
    HP 37/37; AC 19, Fort 13, Ref 18, Will 19 (Concealment); Surges 6/6

    With a renewed bout of giggling to go along with the new gnoll, Candle Jack skips upwards to get a better shot. He likes these guys. As he skips forward, his lines seem to blur and many Jacks seem to be dancing in the same square.

    He touches his nose and glances towards the fiery scorpion, and suddenly odd whisperings and slight delusions cause the creature to suffer great misfortune.

    Then, Jack's face warps into a viscious grin, and he winks at the clawed creature, causing a fierce pain to stab at the Scorpion's eyes.

    Move Action: Move to D14. Gain Concealment from Shadow Walk.

    Minor Action: Jack curses the Scorpion and it takes 1 damage. (If G15 is not dead, then he will curse it. If it is a minion and dies from the curse, then he will teleport 5 squares directly north to D9 and make his attack against the northernmost Fiery Bat instead. If it is not a minion and is not dead, then his attack will be against the Flameling.)

    Standard Action: Eyebite on Scorpion (or the bat, if the circumstances are changed as listed above).
    Attack: [roll]1d20+9[/roll] vs Will (+1 is from Prime Shot)
    Hit: [roll]2d6+6[/roll] psychic damage, and Jack is invisible to the Scorpion until the start of Jack's next turn.

    Additionally, if the Infernal Gnoll (and only the Gnoll) attacks him and hits, then Jack will use Fade Away to become invisible with a twinkle until the end of Jack's next turn.
    Last edited by Rumplestiltskin; 2009-01-09 at 07:03 AM.
    Rumplestiltskin Lives!

    "Candle Jack. Candle Jack. One more time, and ya can't take it back."
    Emerend of the Vultures, Bounty Hunter become Gladiator